What we do

At The Catalyst Lab, we specialise in offering tailored services in Research and Development, Consulting and Program Management to meet the needs of social enterprises and institutions seeking to accelerate action for the UN SDGs through technology and innovation.


Whatever service you choose and whether you partner with us to help your entire journey or part of the way only, you can expect us to always follow this base approach. Our foundational inquiry for every engagement is intended to be rooted in modes of systems thinking and be guided by your theory of change. We do this to remain accountable to our mission ensuring that all our initiatives are contributing to meaningful and measurable social impact. If your organisation does not already have a established theory of change for the initiative in question, we can define it with you.




Research and Development


This service can be leveraged by institutions to gain data driven insights for policy development or to test strategies for policy implementation. It can also serve the needs of social enterprises that are struggling to go from idea to impact or need to validate existing hypotheses at speed but lack the in house expertise. We are constantly observing global signals of change, particularly in technological and sociopolitical to ensure we are well equipped with the latest knowledge and information to support your R&D needs.


Scope of Work

  • Empirical Research: Conducting thorough field studies to gather qualitative and quantitative data. This involves using rigorous methodologies to explore complex social issues, understand user needs, and identify emerging trends in the field.
  • Lean Prototyping: Pulling together cross functional teams to rapidly develop prototypes informed by research findings. This iterative process includes designing, testing, and refining concepts to ensure they are practical, user-friendly, and effectively address the identified challenges.
  • Expert Collaboration: Engaging with a diverse network of experts, including technologists, educators, social scientists, and industry leaders, to bring a multidimensional perspective to our research and development efforts.

Expected Outcomes

  • Innovative solutions and strategies that address current and future challenges in human mobility.
  • Actionable insights and data-driven recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders.
  • Prototypes and models that can be scaled and adapted to different contexts for maximum impact.
Interested in Research and Development services? Please reach out.



In the age of generative AI, we prioritise the unique skills a human consultant can bring augmented by domain specific large language models (LLMs). From a decade of advising and partnering with senior leaders and executives, we have developed a differentiating ability to build empathetic and effective relationships with stakeholders. This allows us to truly get to know the heart of the issue we are being brought onboard to advice on for our clients. We guide organisations through complex challenges and opportunities in social innovation helping them successfully navigate complex ecosystems, unlock decision making and action.


Scope of Work

  • Co-creation Workshops: Interactive and collaborative sessions where we work hand-in-hand with clients to ideate, design, and refine solutions. Grounded in blended design methodologies to empathise with people and planet, co-creating solutions that are innovative, practical, and aligned to the “Do No Harm” principle.
  • Strategic Partnerships (including Evaluation): Offering expertise in identifying, assessing, and cultivating strategic partnerships. We can also assist in evaluating potential partners including due diligence on technological integrations, alignment of values and objectives, and crafting frameworks for successful partnership management.
  • Strategic Foresight and Planning: Providing organisations with the tools and insights needed to detect early signals pf macroeconomic changes and anticipate future trends, challenges, and opportunities. We help clients develop long-term strategies that are resilient, adaptable, and forward-thinking, preparing them to navigate a fast changing world.

Expected Outcomes

  • Co-created solutions that are more inclusive, innovative, and likely to gain broader acceptance and support.
  • Stronger networks and partnerships that enhance resource mobilisation and knowledge sharing.
  • Long-term strategies that are resilient, adaptable, and aligned with future trends and needs in human mobility.
Interested in our Consulting services? Please reach out.

Program Management


From our extensive experience of designing and delivering complex programs for global organisations, we understand the challenge and pains of program efficacy. Change or transformation programs can be difficult to coordinate with often complex governance processes getting in the way. Our expertise in leveraging agile methodologies in program management can help our clients energise and engage resources and prioritise deliverables that matter most for impact.


Scope of Work

  • Social Impact Programs: Assisting organisations in developing and executing programs that create substantial social change. This involves identifying key social issues, designing interventions, and implementing strategies that align with both the organisation’s mission and the broader social context.
  • Capacity Building: Working with institutions to develop capacity for adaptation and resilience to change in underserved communities. This includes building capacity to effectively respond to and recover from adversities, such as economic shifts, environmental changes, or social upheavals.
  • Leadership, People and Culture: Focusing on developing leadership skills and fostering a culture of continuous learning and development within organisations. This includes technical skill development to bridge the digital gap and enhancing leadership capabilities at various levels and cultivating skills necessary for empathetic servant leadership.

Expected Outcomes

  • Successful implementation of programs that yield measurable social impact and contribute to the goals of human mobility.
  • Enhanced capacity of individuals and organisations to adapt to changing circumstances and effectively respond to the challenges of human mobility.
  • Strong leadership and organisational cultures that foster innovation, inclusivity, and long-term sustainability in addressing human mobility issues.
Interested in our Program Management services? Please reach out.


At The Catalyst Lab, we are driven by a deep rooted desire to make a real difference in the world. We believe in service and the power of shared values in human connection in bringing about transformative changes in society. Our approach is all about partnership and understanding – we work closely with you to craft solutions that are not just effective but ethical. You can trust us to say, “we don’t know but we will find out” - our honesty and integrity of service is what sets us apart. Our commitment is to transform complex issues into opportunities for growth and positive change, making every project a journey of meaningful impact. It would be our great honour to serve you.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How does The Catalyst Lab tailor its services to our specific needs? Each project begins with a detailed assessment to understand your unique challenges and goals. We then customise our approach based on this understanding, combined with our extensive experience.
  2. What is the duration of a typical project with The Catalyst Lab? Project durations vary based on scope and complexity. We work closely with you to establish a timeline that meets your objectives while ensuring thorough and impactful delivery.
  3. What makes The Catalyst Lab different from other service providers? Our unique combination of expertise in technology, education, and leadership, coupled with a deep commitment to social impact and innovation, sets us apart. We don't just offer solutions; we strive to be partners in change.
  4. Can The Catalyst Lab help with implementation beyond the planning phase? Absolutely. We believe in supporting our clients from ideation through to execution, ensuring that the strategies we develop are not only visionary but also actionable and sustainable.
  5. How does The Catalyst Lab charge for its services? As we provide tailored services to each of our clients, costs can vary by the size and complexity of the project. We will be able to advise you on the estimated costs after our initial assessment of your needs.
For more information or specific inquiries, please contact us.

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